01342 776 535


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Our Services

How can we help you?

helsinki hot tub with nice view of tent

Hot Tub Hire

Premium brand hot tub hire

swimming pool with a range of inflatables in

Swimming Pool Hire

Above ground swimming pool hire

old oast house with maldives hot tub

Airbnb Hot Tub Hire

Serviced hot tub hire for your Airbnb

swimming pool with inflatables BY LARGE WHITE HOUSE

Airbnb Swimming Pool Hire

Serviced pool hire for your Airbnb

Dirty Hot Tub

Airbnb Hot Tub Servicing

Service plans for Airbnb hot tubs

About Hydro Hot Tubs

Providing high quality hot tubs and swimming pools for hire as well as maintenance, storage solutions for the private and AirBnB markets.

pure spa 4 with extras


Years of Experience!

About Us

Who We Are?

Hydro Hot Tubs have provided a high quality award winning service since 2016.

Hydro Hot Tubs, circa 2016, is a locally owned and run hot tub hire and swimming pool hire company  operated by passionate people, Also providing storage and maintenance solution’s for the private user and Airbnb service providers with swimming pools and hot tubs. We specialise in providing both short term and long term hire for inflatable and solid sided hot tubs and  swimming pools to award winning standards. Perfect for parties, relaxing weekends or celebrations. We provide all the water treatment needed for your hire meeting leisure industry standards.

Our BISTHA certified team will ensure what ever service you choose us for is not only enjoyable but safe with a smile.Additionally, Hydro Hot Tubs is now also a supplier of water treatment, accessories and other pool and hot tub supplies from our online shop.

Our Awards

LTG award
LTG award
PE award
LTG award
add to event top rated

Our Core Values

We Want To Make You Happy

We take a great deal of pride in what we do. We promise to treat you how we would be expected to be treated 

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